The most common ball flight error I see with players is the slice – a shot that curves excessively to the right for a right-handed player. This can be a very frustrating ball flight error as this ball flight produces a significant loss in distance and is almost impossible to control. Today I am going to show you a couple of things you can do to fix a slice.


I see the main reason that players struggle to fix a slice is due to a lack of understanding what is happening with the clubface and swing path that results in this ball flight. Without this information they have no chance of knowing what changes to make to correct the ball flight.


In this video I explain what is happening with the clubface and swing path to produce such a ball flight and then share two simple changes that you can easily make to your golf swing to fix your slice.


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Now that you have fixed your slice you may want to consider a couple of things that all players do that hit 300-yard drives. These are things you can put into play in your own game fairly easily and will definitely make a difference to your driving distance. To learn how to achieve that check out this video


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
