The ability to control the golf ball is critical to shooting lower scores. But many players struggle with this due to difficulties in making ball first contact.

Too many players contact the ground before the ball trapping grass and dirt between the clubface and ball, compromising both distance and direction. The other error I see a lot is players striking their fairway shots with the club travelling up through impact resulting in thin contact and low ball flight.

In this video I outline a few simple keys that will have you making ball first contact every time. These drills may be ones you haven’t seen before but they are ones I use with players daily to help them hit better shots and have had great success with them. I know they can work for you too with a little focused practice.

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Now that you can make ball first contact on your fairway shots, you are gong to hit more greens and thus have longer first putts. To take advantage of this opportunity you will need to have good speed control with your longer putts. Click here to check out this video to learn how to control distance on long putts.

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
