Is your career low score getting lower every season? Do you know for certain you will play better this year than last year or are you simply hoping that will be the case? Do you have a specific plan for improvement or are you wandering aimlessly with your golf game with no clear direction as to how you will improve? Put simply, do you play reactive golf or do you have your own Personal Performance Plan.

Reactive golf is where the majority of players find themselves. They go to the range or out on the course, hit a poor shot and then react to that shot by trying something different on the next shot. The hope is that because what they did on the last shot didn’t work out perfectly, if they try something different on the next shot maybe that will give them a better result. The change is typically something they have read in a magazine, seen on TV or it maybe a tip from a well meaning, playing partner. The change may work on the next shot, but the improvement is usually short lived and they are looking for another swing change following the next poor shot. Ultimately, there is no long-term improvement and a lot of frustration.

The best players in the world and ones you know who have seen their scores reduce season after season attack the improvement of their golf game in a systematic way that all but guarantees improvement. It is a simple, four step process that anyone can follow: 

Step 1: Assess your current gameThis can be done by tracking how many fairways you hit, how many greens you hit and how many putts you take. For a more detailed analysis, you can work with a PGA Professional and complete a skills test. A skills test can take up to about 90 minutes but will show you very clearly exactly what areas of your game are holding you back. 

Step 2: Set goals and design a planBased on the results of your assessment, decide what area of your game require improvement for you to see the biggest change in your golf scores. You may also need some technical advice on changing your technique to achieve the desired results. This is a step that is best completed with your golf instructor. 

Step 3: Execute the planWork through the specific practice, technical work or drills that are required to help you make the required change. Don’t quit on the execution even if you see no immediate improvement. Stick with the plan for the time frame you designated in the goal setting stage. 

Step 4: TestTest that the changes you have worked towards have occurred and are resulting in the designated improvement. This can be done by completing another skills test or tracking your results on the course.

I employ this approach in all my teaching and would love to take you through a personalized program. You can find more details of my Personal Coaching Program on my Lesson Programs page. One started it is then simply a case of repeating the cycle over and over and watching your scores get better and better.

I hope you enjoyed this post. As always comments are welcome and appreciated.

Good Golfing


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
