The downswing sequence, or the order in which your body segments move, has a huge influence over the speed at which you can swing the golf club. This is the second video in my series on downswing sequence and it builds on the elements I discussed in the first video.

In part 1 I discussed the correct sequence of body movement necessary to produce maximum club head speed and thus maximum distance. I also introduced you to some drills designed to help you learn how to correctly move the body in the correct sequence.

In this video I show you how you can build on those earlier drills by adding the club and ball to the drills.  Take your time as you work through these drills. Trying to advance too quickly will only results in frustration and disaster. It takes time to learn a new swing pattern and you will be much better served to go a little too slow rather than too fast.

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If you would like to go back and see part 1 in the series on downswing sequence, just click here  –

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
