Being able to start your ball where you aimed at the correct speed is obviously critical for good putting. But none of that will matter if you are unable to successfully read the break of the putt.

In this skills test, we are testing the players ability to read the break of a putt and then stroke the ball on the chosen line at the correct speed. It is an excellent test as it assesses so many skills that are necessary to be a great putter.

Try it yourself and see if you score as well as you would like, or as well as you need to to reach your goals. If you do not score so well. you would then need to do some additional reserach to decide whay you were not very successful. Did you read the putt poorly? Is it a speed issue? Is it alignment? Were you not able to start the ball on your intended line? Once you know the answers to these questions, only then can you start to work on improving this area of your putting.

But it all starts with the testing. Try and the test and feel free to share your results with me in the comments section below.

Dave Pelz Putting Skills Test – Breaking putts

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to test your skill at breaking putts. As always comments are welcome and appreciated.

Good Golfing


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
