Derek Hooper Golf Insider is an online golf coaching platform that allows you to:

  • View instructional videos
  • Read instructional articles
  • Access training plans to help you play better golf
  • Upload your own videos and have Derek answer all your questions
  • Access to practice games and rills to help you take your practice results to the golf course
  • Be part of a community that is committed to shooting lower scores on the golf course, not just having a pretty golf swing.



Click here to sign up


In the past 20 years there have been huge advancements in golf technology and knowledge of the golf swing, yet too many players continue to struggle to play better and enjoy the game of golf. There is a wealth of information available on ways to drive the ball longer, hit solid iron shots and make more putts, but these mediums continue to exclude the key ingredients required to taking this information and turning it into a better golf game.


Shooting lower scores is simply not about having better information. It is what you do with that information that is the critical component to the improvement process. Very few players are even aware of this process, yet it is imperative if you want to take your golf game to next level.


Derek Hooper Golf Insider is the answer to helping you play to your full potential. Through the online golf catching you will learn details of the improvement process that will dramatically change the way you think about practice and allow you to play better than you ever thought possible. You will also gain a clear understanding of how to accurately analyze your own golf game and design challenging and fun practice sessions that will dramatically improve your skill level.


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Click here to sign up 


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
