The ability to produce solid contact golf shots is critical to controlling both distance and direction. Yet not enough players understand what produces solid contact or how to practice this effectively.

Too often players have the club strike the ground before it hits the ball causing grass and dirt to get stuck between the club and ball. This produces shorter shots and a loss of control.

Less often players are caught striking the ball low on the clubface and not hitting the ground at all. This results in shots with very low ball flights and makes it impossible for the ball to stop on the green.

In a solid contact golf shot the club contacts the ball first and then the ground. This results in the ball hitting the middle of the clubface and producing the best opportunity for maximum distance and control.

In this video I show you a series of drills that you can use to easily improve how often you make solid contact and thus give you the best opportunity to hot the type of shots that will allow you to shoot lower scores.

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If you would like to learn more about making solid contact on your golf shots check this video of part II in the series

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
