Many players believe there is some big secret to being able to play your best golf and continue to improve your skills and scores year after year. The reality is that there is a fairly simple blueprint that if followed will all but guarantee you will play your best golf with more consistency.

This blueprint is the one followed by the world’s best amateurs and professionals and is one you can follow also. It is the same one I use with all my players and the results are quite amazing if you are willing to make a commitment to this process.

In this video I explain the process in some detail, but it entails:
1. Knowing the current strengths and weakness of your golf game
2. Clearly defining your goals
3. Putting a clear plan together for how you will achieve your goals
4. Implementing your plan
5. Monitoring your progress

Watch the video and know that if you seriously want to play your best golf then by following these steps you can achieve your goals.

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If you would like some additional help working through this process, I am here to help you and can be contacted by clicking here

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
