The key to playing quality bunker shots is your ability to spin the ball. If you are able to spin your bunker shots you will be able to consistently control distance and direction and get the ball closer to the hole.

In this video you will not hear how you must hit two inches behind the ball. I really don’t like that way to play bunker shots as so many players take too much sand with this type of swing and the ball either stays in the bunker or comes out with no spin and rolls off the other side of the green. I call this technique the “chunk and run” because of the amount of sand that is moved and how far the ball then rolls across the green.

Great bunker players move relatively little sand and thus are able to better control their bunker shots. You can learn to do this too, and to play bunker shots just like a Tour player.

In this video I explain exactly how you can learn to spin your bunker shots and give yourself better opportunities to get up and down from the sand.

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If you would like to learn how to play a bunker shot from a buried lie, check out this video

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
