Watch any Professional Tour event on television and you will quickly see that there are a wide variety of different grips in use among the world’s best players. Some players use overlap grips while others use interlocking grips. Some grips are weak (hands rotated towards target) while others are strong (hands rotated away from target) and some fall in between to what we term neutral. So if the best players in the world are utilizing a wide variety of grips to be successful, how can there possibly be only one perfect grip in golf?

Quite simply, there is no one perfect way for every player to hold the club. There is however the perfect way for YOU to hold the club.

The grip is the only connection to the golf club and thus has the greatest influence over how it is returned to impact. If a player can return the clubface squarely to the ball with speed and consistency, they have found the perfect grip for themselves. There is a best way for each individual to hold the club and the grip you choose should be based on a number of factors:

• What is your preferred ball flight – draw, straight or fade?
• Are you physically strong, average or a little weak?
• How big are your hands?
• How are your hands positioned when your arms hang naturally by your side?
• Do you swing the club with a predominantly body motion or hand action?

The answers to these questions will help to determine the best grip for you as an individual golfer.

Regardless of whether you utilize an interlocking or overlap grip, whether it is strong, neutral or weak, there are certain factors which are consistent with all good grips.

1. The hands should be linked in some way – The hands can be overlapped, interlocked or connected in some other way, but when the hands are linked it is easier for them to operate as a single unit in consistently returning the club to the golf ball.

2. The grip is held more on the fingers than the palms – When the grip is held more towards the fingers, you will be able to move the club at greater speeds and have finer control over the club head.

So how do you know what is the best grip for you? Your first check is your current ball flight. If you consistently slice the ball then you may need a stronger grip. The opposite will apply if you consistently hook the ball. If you lack club head speed and consistency, check that you are gripping the club towards the fingers rather than the palms of both hands.

You should also talk to your local PGA Professional about your grip. They will be able to quickly analyze your swing and ball flight and suggest a grip that will match your body type and ball flight.

Weak Grip
Neutral Grip
Strong grip

I hope you enjoyed this post on building your performance plan. As always comments are welcome and appreciated.

Good Golfing


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
