The most common ball flight error is the slice – a ball that curves from left to right for a right handed player. I get so many requests from players who want to turn their slice into a draw, as a draw flies a little straighter and longer than their usual slice.

Too many players struggle to stop slicing their golf shots because they do not have a good understanding of what causes the ball to curve the way it does. Once they get an understanding of how the club face and swing path interact at impact, the player can usually make a fairly quick adjustment and start to produce much straighter golf shots.

In this video I outline a very simple drill that will have you drawing the ball pretty quickly. This drill is one I use very often with players and when they take the time understand the theory behind the drill, then work slowly through the skill progressions they can start to hit draws.

It may seem like a very simple drill but it is very powerful and gets results. I am certain it will get results for you too.

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Now that you are hitting the ball much straighter, you might like to add a little more distance to your shots. Click here to check out this video to learn how to hit more powerful iron shots.

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
