It’s the start of a new season! The air is full of anticipation for fun times on the course, friendly wagers and low scores. So here is my question to you as we start this new season – What are you going to do this year to make 2013 your best season of golf ever?

I ask my students this question at the start of every new program and when I meet a new student for the first time. If they are talking to me then they have already told me that they are willing to invest time and money in taking a lesson. But it takes more than a single lesson or an occasional swing tip to play this game well. So today I am going to give you the outline I give all my players. I can assure you that if you follow this plan, you will improve your golf game – guaranteed.

Step 1 – Analyze your playing statistics from last year. If you don’t have any, then record your first 5 rounds of the new season and use them as your base line. Record fairways hit, greens in regulation, total putts and number of 3 putts. Make note of what you do well as well as what are the key areas preventing you from scoring better.

Step 2 – Set goals for the year. What would you like your lowest score for the season to be? To what would you like to lower your handicap? Is there a Tournament you would like to win this year?

Step 3 – Form a plan with you PGA Professional. You may know where you are with your golf game and you know where you want to go, but you will need a coach to help you with how to get there. The best person to help with this is a PGA Professional, preferably one who does a lot of teaching. Be sure to let them know what your goals are, how much time you have to commit to reaching those goals and the finances you have available to commit to the process. Then the two of you together can form a clear plan to reach your goals.

Step 4 – Get screened by a physical therapist who has experience in working with golfers. It won’t matter how hard you work or how good your coach is at explaining what you need to do to strike the ball better, if your body simply can’t make the moves you want it to make because of physical restrictions in strength and flexibility. Take the time to get screened it will be the most enlightening and valuable investment you can make towards your progress.

Step 5 – Execute the plan with your coach. Dedicate the time you committed in your plan to regular time with your coach and to practice on your own. Don’t deviate from the plan and make every session the best it can be.

Step 6 – Measure your progress using the measurement tools you and your coach decided upon that are most appropriate for your goals. Don’t expect that progress towards your goal will be smooth and that you will see consistent and gradual improvement. Learning new motor patterns and executing new skills is not like this. There will be some ups and downs but as long as the general trend of your game is heading in the right direction then stay with the plan.

So there it is your six step guide to better golf. I hope you will use this guide and 2013 will be the best season of golf you have ever played.

I hope you enjoyed this post on hitting more solid golf shots. As always comments are welcome and appreciated.

Good golfing


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
