Many players I see are confused about the differences in address versus impact positions of the body and club during the golf swing. This confusion is leading to many players setting up to the ball incorrectly in an effort to accommodate these false ideas.

In this video I explain the differences between these two positions using video and 3D data and outline the keys you should be aware of to improve these in your own golf swing. I show clearly the differences in the body positions from address to impact and how this effects the club orientation at both positions.

I also explain why the club at address should sit with toe slightly off the ground. Trying to set the club any other way at address can have a negative effect on the way you move the club into your take away. You will also discover why getting your clubs fitted is so important in helping you to hit straighter golf shots.

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Now that you know more about the body positions at address versus impact, watch this video to learn how this effects the club position and address and impact  –

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
