When I work with a player for the first time and our goal is to lower their score, the first thing I want to know is how many 3 putts do they have per round. This is the quickest and easiest place to start to lower scores.
There are two ways to reduce the number of 3 putts per round. The first is to hit the ball closer to the hole. The shorter your first putt, the more likely you are to either make that putt or at the very least get it close enough that you can easily make the next one. The second way to reduce 3 putts is to improve your putting from 20 to 40 feet.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work on your ball striking and short game to help get the ball closer to the hole, you are still going to have to hit longer putts. So you might as well figure out how good you really are at these distances and determine if it is something that requires more of your practice time.
Test yourself with the below skills test from Dave Pelz and see how you measure up. If your score is less than you believe it should be to reach your scoring goals, then work with your coach to determine why you struggle with these lengths and what you need to practice to get better.

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to test your skill on in between putts. Feel free to post your scores below. I’d love to see how you went on the test.
Good Golfing
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