For many players’ longer golf courses has meant that they need to hit fairway woods more often. These clubs are designed to hit the ball longer distances and thus have less loft than your other fairway clubs as well as having longer shafts. As a result they have been considered harder to hit in the air and control their direction.

Being able to hit your fairway woods well can be a huge advantage. They will serve you well on long par threes, as a club to use from the tee on narrow par fours and as a layup club on par fives.

Unfortunately many players are confused about how to hit these very important clubs. Do I sweep the ball? Should I hit down it like an iron?

In this video I explain the keys to hitting your fairways woods from the ground. Implementing these swing keys will allow you to make more consistent and solid contact, and result in long, high fairway wood shots.

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If you are looking for a way to hit not just your fairway woods but all of you clubs longer check out this video 

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
