There are many elements that go into being a great putter. But not all those factors weigh equally into your putting performance. If you want to make more putts there are a couple of skills that if improved will give you the quickest improvement in your putting performance.

Research has show that on any given putt your ability to strike the ball in the middle of the putter face will only contribute about 2% to your putting success. While the path will contribute about the same. Yet players everywhere are investing hours on drills that work on these two areas. No wonder they are not seeing improvements in their putting skills.

The biggest influence over your ability to make more putts is your ability to aim the putter correctly so that you can then have the putter aimed at your target at impact and thus start the ball on your intended line.

In this video I show you the putting test I use to assess a players ability to start the ball on their intended line as well as share a series of drills I would then use with a player to help them develop this skill set.

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To learn more about the pre-swing fundamentals required to become a great putter check out this video

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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
