Skills Testing is possibly the best way for a player and coach to figure out where the player stands with their golf game. There is no way to devise an appropriate plan for improvement without knowing where the current strengths and weaknesses lie.

To ascertain this with the short game, I use the short game skills tests devised by Dave Pelz. They are designed to test a number of skills as well as assign an individual handicap for that particulr skill. This allows the player and coach to get an accurate measurement for not only where they are starting the process, but also to continue to test throughout the program to ensure set goals are being achieved.

This week I would like to share with you the skills test for 6 foot putts. As you can see in the daigram below, it is as simple as placing 10 balls in a circle and recording how many putts you make.

If your score is not where you believe it should be or where you would like it to be, then you need to work with your coach to figure out why you are not performing well at this skill and put in place a practice program to improve. You can then come back priodically and test yourself again to ensure you are achieving your set goals.

Short Putts (6 feet) Skills Test Courtesy of Dave Pelz

Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
