Almost every player I meet wants to be more consistent. The ability to control the club and thus the ball, shot after shot makes it so much easier to shoot low scores. A consistent golf swing is the goal of every player and if you follow a few simple steps you can get much closer to achieving that goal.


The biggest challenge with gaining consistency with your golf game is that no two shots are exactly the same. Each shot is played for a different stance, a different lie and requires a different ball flight. Despite this, there are a few things that if you can repeat in every swing, you can produce your desired shots more often. But keep in mind that your long term goal must a be a golf swing that can be adaptable to produce shots form a variety of situations and not only one shot from one particular situation.


In this video I explain three things that you must do with your body and club to give you the best opportunity to have a consistent golf swing. Working slowly through these elements and then slowly transferring them to hitting balls will help you improve your golf swing.


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Now that you have developed a more consistent golf swing, you may want to consider some ways to give you shorter shots into the green. To learn how to add 20 yards to your drives check out this video


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Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, Houston, Texas 77082
